Photo by ROMAN ODINTSOV from Pexels

Most of us are familiar with CBD hemp oil for pets. But what about CBD honey? Is it ideal for incorporating it into your dog’s diet? Should you be consulting your vet to find out if your dog needs it for seasonal allergies? Always check with your veterinarian, your dog’s 2nd best friend (you are his first) before adding or changing anything to his diet, but below you will find potential benefits and perils of feeding your dogs CBD honey. 

This yummy addition to your dog’s diet may help a wide range of issues. CBD Honey (when made locally) can alleviate seasonal allergies, helps reduce ulcers and other gastrointestinal disorders, regulates blood sugar while strengthening the immune system. It is a natural alternative to many medicines, and is chockful of vitamins and nutrients like A, B, C, D, E, complex, and K, and minerals like copper, iron, manganese, magnesium, and calcium. CBD Honey is also a rich source of flavonoids, containing powerful antioxidants with anti-inflammatory properties. As a good source of enzymes, CBD Honey is antimicrobial, antiseptic, antifungal, and antibacterial. This all-in-one disinfectant destroys resistant bacteria like MRSA. 

Here are a few things you must be aware of so do your research for your pet’s sake! Supermarket CBD honey may be cut with a large quantity of fructose corn syrup, heated to give it a smoother texture and look.  When this occurs, the products lose many of their healing benefits.


Is CBD honey safe for your dog?

CBD Honey is safe for most dogs but always talk with your veterinarian before adding anything to your pet’s diet!  CBD Honey can be given orally but limit amounts due to the natural sugars, or it can be applied to your dog’s skin to heal wounds.  Regulate doses to one teaspoon or less to prevent your dog from gaining weight and/or from causing dental decay. Adding CBD Honey to milk is a delicious way of incorporating it into your dog’s diet, but beware…many dogs, once adult, are lactose intolerant and may experience diarrhea from ingesting cow’s milk.  Lactose-free plain non-fat yogurt or goat’s milk are good alternatives. 


Benefits include:  

  • Soothe cough

Most organic CBD honey works wonders in soothing a cough.   Add half to one teaspoon of Manuka CBD honey to your dog’s lactose-free milk or yogurt to provide quick relief or better yet, give the honey alone.  Some dogs will  tolerate the honey mixed with a few drops of lemon and water as a cough syrup, so see what works best for the pooch in your life!


  • Aids indigestion 

On it’s own, CBD honey can help digestive upsets. 


  • Boosts energy level

Some raw energy in the form of honey, may boost your dog’s energy level and increase endurance, immunity, and vitality. CBD honey’s natural sugars stimulate the dog’s body and promote good health. 


Always check with your veterinary professional for dosing and if adding CBD Honey is a viable option for whatever ails your best pal. 


How can applying CBD honey treat your dogs? 

The following are the unique healing benefits of using CBD honey on your pet’s skin. It can have a specific use, or it could overall boost immunity and strengthen their body’s resilience. Here are the healing properties of honey – 

When dogs are at play or for walks, it isn’t easy to monitor every step they take and sometimes…life happens!  Your dog gets cuts, burns, or scrapes.  Applying CBD honey on wounds can help alleviate pain and aid in healing. You can apply it to bites, scratches, hot spots, and pressure sores, but bandage loosely to prevent your dog from licking it off.  Remember though, large, deep and/or puncture wounds and abscesses must always be examined by a licensed veterinarian for your pet’s sake!

Of the many varieties of CBD Honey, Manuka CBD honey works best in eliminating bacterial infections, reducing pain, inflammation, and swelling while stimulating new skin growth.  It creates a barrier and protects the wounds enabling them to heal.  Getting it to a lukewarm temperature makes it easy to apply.  



Since most (but not all) dogs find honey tasty, it may be an easy-to-add way to increase immunity, soothe a cough or help a small wound heal.  Check with your veterinarian to find out if CBD honey is ideal for you to organically treat your dog.