Tag: microchip

Memorial Day Weekend Safety for Pets
Considered the unofficial kick-off to summer, Memorial Day Weekend seems to bring out the summer swimmers, boaters, barbequers and weekend travelers in many of us. That means things we haven’t been doing the last several months, will again be new, exciting and could even be dangerous for our pets! Please supervise, supervise, supervise, and keep […]
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On the Move with Your Best Friend: Settling into Your New Home Sweet Home
Relocating with your pet to a new home takes research and advanced planning. Read the first part of this blog by clicking here: “The Months Prior & EmBARKing on Your Journey” If possible, introduce your dog to the new neighborhood before the move, but in our case…it was on the other side of […]
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7 Golden Tips for New Dog Owners
Tips for new dog owners are an essential guide if you are preparing for the latest addition to your family. Being a pet owner comes with many trials and responsibilities. It is more difficult to adjust to a new life with a pet if you don’t know what you are doing. If you are looking […]
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