Photo by Yan Krukov:

The first week of May is “Be Kind to Animals Week,” so what better time to make it a priority to learn how to help your dog or cat when they need you most?! Be prepared for whatever life throws in your pet’s direction and learn Pet First Aid & CPR so that you can learn how to:

  • Check vitals and learn to look for the signs and symptoms of illness
  • Pet first aid techniques to stabilize a dog or cat before veterinary care is available
  • Perform life-saving measures: Rescue Breathing & Cardio-Pulmonary Cerebral Resuscitation


Teaching children to care for and respect animal family members instills in them the importance of being kind to all creatures, great and small.  You can find a calendar of 25 things to do to show kindness here:

I’m sure though you can think of more

  • Add a bird feeder or bird bath to a quiet space in your yard and keep it clean and stocked with seed
  • Learn what to do should you find an orphaned bird
  • Help a turtle cross the road
  • Sit down as a family and read, “Don’t Judge a Book by its Cover

Life provides us many opportunities to show that we care.  Practicing kindness to animals at an early age can benefit children as it helps them become more compassionate individuals as they grow, and hopefully reminds adults to continue to employ kindness in their daily lives. A dog or cat’s most basic needs include proper nutrition, water, exercise, preventive & emergency veterinary care and shelter. Feed and playing with a pet can demonstrate kindness and help establish a lifetime bond, but another way to be kind to the animals in your life is to enroll in a Pet First Aid & CPR class.