Halloween or not, candy is never a good addition to your dog’e diet, but do you ever feel confused thinking about what you can feed your pet? We tried answering this question for all dog lovers who care for their pet’s health.  To start off, let’s understand that while you might feel tempted to feed your drooling dog something off  your plate, it might NOT be safe for him.  It could even be deadly because dogs and humans have different metabolic systems.  


This is why some human food are safe for your canine pal and why some are downright toxic. Websites such as http://www.bestdogdads.com/can-my-dog-eat-this/ can give insights as to which foods are suitable for your dog. You might not want to enhance ready-made pet food, but do your research and choose wisely.  Many whole foods, natural veggies, fruits, and meat, can be a great addition to your dog’s nutrition.  Let’s see how?


Vegetables your pet can enjoy

Your canine pet can munch on a variety of vegetables including potatoes, carrots, green peas, sweet potatoes, broccoli, and celery.  Most however, must be chopped fine, lightly steamed or even pureed to more easily pass through your dog’s shorter digestive tracts.  Peas form a core ingredient in many kinds of food for dogs. Tasty and low in calories, these are high in nutritional value and make a healthy treat for your pet. Opt for the fresh variety of peas instead of offering canned ones which often contain added salt.


If you are feeding broccoli, make sure it’s given in moderation as certain elements present in broccoli such as isothiocyanates could irritate his digestive system. Does your pet love to devour carrots? Encourage him as the nutrition and calorie balance in carrots are quite healthy for dogs.  Just take it easy if your pet is diabetic or prone to candida as both carrots and bananas do contain an abundance of natural sugars.  Another excellent source of vitamins and minerals is celery that can be given in small amounts. 

Supervise your pet to prevent choking, and cut veggies into bite-sized pieces before you feed him.   Stay away from onions and chives as they can result in Hemolytic Anemia and cause the kidneys to fail!  

Have a question on specific food items? Check out more on all that your pooch can eat here


Edible fruits for your pet dog 

PAWS OFF grapes and raisins as these carry harmful compounds that can lead to severe conditions such as renal failure.  Avocados, particularly from Guatemala, contain high levels of persin, and cause breathing issues in some species.  A little avocado can be okay but prevent Fido from chewing the skin or swallowing the pit.  Both can cause severe injury.  


Blueberries and blackberries are a rich source of antioxidants that can increase your dog’s absorption of certain vitamins, minerals, and fiber.  Apples and watermelons too are considered safe for your hounds, but  remove the seeds and rind to avoid the possibility of choking. Some other fruits you can offer in moderation include mangoes, strawberries, bananas, oranges, and coconut. Just take care with any fruit that contains a seed or pit, as those portions of the fruit contain arsenic or cyanide which can poison your pooch.



If your doggy wants to binge on nuts, you need to intervene as it can upset his tummy.  Pulverized nuts in the form of a little peanut butter can be a tasty treat, but be sure it does not contain xylitol!  Also, less is more as peanut butter is high in calories and can lead to weight gain if consumed in higher quantities. Refrain from offering macadamia nuts as they can cause tremors, paralysis and vomiting, and should those be chocolate covered macadamia nuts, you have a double whammy of poisoning.


No need to add additional salt to your dog’s diet, so chips and pretzels should also be avoided. 

Dogs can be given cooked eggs, even the shells on occasion for extra calcium.  Eggs contain all the essential amino acids so are considered the perfect food!  Boneless, cooked salmon is another healthy source of protein you can feed your dog.  The omega-3 fatty acids in the fish can reduce inflammation and naturally fluff-up his furry coat. Speaking of good fats, cheese in very small amounts can be given as a rare treat. Chicken, turkey and beef are also good proteins for the canine buddy.  Chicken however, has been know to cause allergies in some pets, so speak with your veterinarian or canine nutritionist as other novel proteins such as lamb, rabbit, venison or ostrich might be encouraged and become a welcomed part of your dog’s diet.  


NEVER offer chocolate to your dog as it contains theobromine, both a cardiac stimulant and dieuretic which can prove fatal since it reacts differently with your dog’s metabolism than with a human’s.  Also, avoid sharing caffeinated beverages such as tea or coffee.  Instead, cuddle up for movie dates on the couch and share a few kernels of unsalted, butter-free popcorn!

Milk should be given in limited quantities to most dogs as they become lactose intolerant and may suffer diarrhea.  A few bites of bread is okay, but just really doesn’t add anything to their nutrition however, never let them get into unbaked breads!  As the yeast continues to rise, it can form a blockage in their tummies and also cause alcohol poisoning! 


The bottom line is that your dog can live a healthier life if you feed him right.  Get professional advice, observe how your pet responds to various foods and monitor his diet to see what suits him and what he is allergic to. It is always  best to consult your Vet if you are unsure or if your pet has consumed something he should not.  It could be a matter of life or death!