Things that go bump in the night shouldn’t include your pets, so follow a few simple tips to make sure Howl-o-ween won’t be scary or dangerous for canines or felines!


Know where your pets are at all times.  Walk them before dark, but since it’s getting dark earlier…you should definitely check out the Headlight Harness It will prevent you and your pooch from making a misstep and will allow you to be seen!  As for trick or treating however, it’s best for your pets not to go along..  Many dogs get scared by the shrieks of ghosts & goblins on the streets or coming to their doors and dart in the path of cars.  Keep them in a quiet back room, or if you are answering the door to trick or treaters, keep you dog on a leash safely at your side.






Candy wrappers can cause intestinal blockages and chocolate can be fatal to dogs, cats and ferrets.  If you’re putting out creepy treats with grapes or raisins masquerading as “eyeballs,” make sure your pets do not get them as they can cause kidney failure.  Keep plastic toothpicks that adorn festive cupcakes also out of reach, and take care that your pets can’t chew or become entangled in wires or electric cords; that they steer clear of candles haunting the family jack o’lantern as well as fake spider webs and spray string.  All of which can burn, choke or cause harm if ingested.


Instead, make sure there are plenty of good, healthy treats for all.  Both dogs and cats LOVE Hooked Paw Me!  Under the Sea Bites by Petique.  Packed with protein and baked at a low temperature to maintain their nutritional value, the treats are 100% natural – no additives or preservatives, good stuff! Whether canine or feline, your four-legged ghoul will be hooked and pawing for more!







In 2018, it is estimated that almost 20% of humans who celebrate will dress up their pets!  Unless Fluffy or Fido is truly comfortable in a costume, their own furry birthday suit might be a better choice.  A festive bandana on your dog might just fit the bill.  Pets aren’t used to wearing elastic and definitely don’t like masks covering their eyes or nose, so think of your four-legged friend and is that photo op worth them being uncomfortable.  Should you have a pet willing to “dress up,” make sure the costume doesn’t have beads or strings which they may chew on, make sure elastic is not like a rubber-band restricting blood flow around a leg or paw, be sure nothing falls in their face obstructing their vision and never leave your pet unattended in a costume!  Even with the most amenable pets, it’s a good idea to “practice” for short periods, days in advance, to acclimate them to their wardrobe.



Some people take advantage of the anonymity of costumes and partake in malicious pranks targeting black cats, dogs and other animals.  Even if you don’t normally do so, please, please, please keep your pets in the house on Halloween night.  If you see anything suspicious regarding the treatment of an animal, immediately call your local Animal Control or Police Department.  The phone number for the Los Angeles Animal Cruelty Task Force is (213) 847-1417.  Check if your community has one as well!

A final word in that October can still be very HOT in some locations while COLD in others!  Make sure pets have plenty of shade and water or warm paws, depending on your locale.  Never leave them unattended in a parked car and be certain that kennels, pet carriers and even rooms in your house are cool with good ventilation.




CATCH MY VIDEO VLOG ON THIS TOPIC: and watch my Haiku devour the Hooked Paw Me Tuna Nuggets with ghoulish delight!





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