You give lots of love and attention to your dog. Great!! Because good food, plenty of exercise, and regular veterinary care can help to improve the pet’s health. But, are you taking good care of your pet’s dental hygiene as well? Think about what you are doing to look after your pet’s oral health? Some pet owners miss or neglect to schedule appointments with the vet unless there is a serious concern. Your pet’s oral health is just as important as yours because regular cleaning, good nutrition, and proper chew toys can improve oral health and reduce heart, liver, and kidney issues.

To keep your dog ahead of potential problems, make these slight adjustments in your pet’s routine care;

  • Schedule Regular Checkups

Scheduling regular examinations and cleaning from veterinary dentists can improve 80% of your pet’s health. Bacteria in the mouth can travel to every part of the body through the blood so brushing and other choices can help your pet stay away from life-threatening periodontal disease and infections. Don’t be mistaken thinking your puppy or kitten doesn’t need an exam!  Dental hygiene is important for young pets as well as those not-so-young.  Dental care is not a luxury, but rather a necessity for the overall well-being of your pet.

Research to find the best veterinary dental professional for your pet.  Asking other pet parents you know can be a great way to find someone you trust caring for your pet.


  • Brush Daily

Brushing your pet’s teeth is another vital component for maintaining your dog’s oral health. It protects the dog from periodontal disease by removing harmful bacteria from the teeth and gums. It only takes 48 hours for plaque to turn to tartar, so do not miss a brushing, and be sure to have a special brush and toothpaste just for your pet.  Never use human paste which contains detergent and possibly xylitol, a deadly artificial sweetener to pets.  Choose the soft-bristled pet toothbrush and pet toothpaste.


  • Feed properly

Food has a lot to do with dental health and is a choice you must make, with the help of your veterinarian, for your unique pet.  Some do best with the addition of canned food or even on a raw diet while other pets eating dry and crunchy foods seem to scrape away tartar build-ups as they chew. Consult your vet to be sure you are making the best decision for your pet.


  • Chew toys to promote oral health

Toys and many pets are like peas in a pod, they just go together.  Then why not use this opportunity to improve your pet’s dental health?  If you search the internet, you will see amazing bully sticks for dogs that act great for cleaning teeth and contain no rawhide. These are 100% natural, easy to digest, and, the best part, suitable for all types and ages dogs. Always supervise your pet around any toy or treat.  Just because it’s a GRRReat choice for one though, it isn’t always for others.  Proper pet parenting is a must in every situation.


Keep Your Dog Smiling!

Hopefully you have a few ideas to improve your pet’s overall dental health. Even if your pet’s gums appear healthy, schedule an appointment every six months so your vet can check down deep. Build a habit of brushing daily, providing a high-quality diet and teeth cleaning toys or treats. Proper dental care can save money in the long run and help your furry friend stay by your side longer.