Just Like Noah’s Ark, Gen7Pets™ Cares for Our Animal Friends!

Noah and his sons, together with his wife and the wives of his three sons, entered the ark. They had with them every wild animal according to its kind, all livestock…every creature that moves along the ground and every bird.  Pairs of all creatures that have the breath of life in them came to Noah […]

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7 Pro-Active Tips That Could Save Your Pet’s Life

The Animal Poison Control Center receives hundreds of thousands of calls from anxious pet owners each year due to curious noses or frisky paws getting something they should not have.  Keeping a safe environment but also knowing what to do once disaster strikes are two obligations every pet owner shares. By taking action before it […]

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I suppose it’s possible, yet highly unlikely in this age of ever-present news, that you may not have realized what’s been happening to our Eastern Seaboard and even inland.  Tremendous flooding is not wreaking havoc just at the coast, but rivers are cresting due to Hurricane (now Tropical Storm) Florence and waters are rising 8-10 […]

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Pet Birth Defect Awareness Day – September 13th

Visually and hearing impaired doesn’t stop this dog from having one heck of a fun-filled life!  He has two daddies who adore him, tons of fans and a pack of canines all his own.  Learn about the Adventures of Chatopotomus on his very own Facebook page!   WHAT ARE BIRTH DEFECTS? To a certain degree, […]

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Second-Chance Dogs

I was so excited to take Haiku out for his mid-day walk to find a small package waiting in the mailbox.  It was my copy of the book you see here at the left, “Second-Chance Dogs:  True Stories of the Dogs We Rescue and the Dogs Who Rescue Us,” compiled and edited by Callie Smith […]

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September 2018 is National Disaster Preparedness Month: The Time is NOW to Get Prepared!

Although Springtime is when I talk PET DISASTER PREPAREDNESS, September is given that distinction for the human species.  Without people getting ready, reacting and working towards recovery, our pets would have little to no chance of surviving many natural disasters.  That is why I hope to make an impact on you today talking about human […]

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Remembering My Best Friends & All That They Have Taught Me

August 28th is Rainbow Bridge & Pet Remembrance Day.  I recall so well the first event of this kind that I attended 24 years ago, just shortly after my beautiful lab Sunny went on to her next chapter in her journey through this universe. Tears streaming down my face with a candle in hand, I […]

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Taking the ‘Pet’ Out of ‘Petrified’ – Dr. Marty Becker, “America’s Veterinarian”

Dr. Marty Becker, “America’s Veterinarian,” has spent his life working toward better health for pets and the people who love them. He was the resident veterinary contributor on “Good Morning America” for 17 years, is currently a member of the Board of Directors of the American Humane Association as well as its Chief Veterinary Correspondent, […]

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Black Furred Pets

In Western cultures, black cats are sometimes associated with bad luck, disease and witchcraft. Over the centuries, this sadly has not only led to the mass killing of black cats, but also the witches who care for them. Cross the ocean and things are quite different. In Ancient Egypt, cats were deified – considered gods […]

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Healthy Pets, Healthy Peeps

I’ve said it before and most assuredly, I’ll say it again, and again, and again…Studies are verifying, but those of us who spend our lives with animals already know, that the bond between people and their pets can increase fitness, lower stress, and bring happiness to their owners and hopefully to our furry, feathered, hooved, […]

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Zoonoses OR Zooeyia?  One Can Make Us Sick While the Other…Increases Wellness

Zoonoses are infectious diseases that can be transmitted between animals and humans.  Ebola, Zika & Hanta virus along with Swine & Bird flu may come to mind.  HIV was a zoonotic disease transmitted to humans in the early 20th century but has now evolved into a separate human-only disease.  In fact, 61% of the pathogens […]

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Have You Read a Good Pet Food Label Lately?!

“You are what you eat.”  Although this phrase has a contrived history dating back centuries, it didn’t emerge in English until 1940 when nutritionist Victor Lindlahr wrote the book so entitled expressing his strong belief that food controls health.  It holds true for our canine and feline friends too. “Most consumers are unaware that the […]

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